Our Interpreters' Profile

Simultaneous interpretation is highly demanding, serving every time a different context, subject matter, people; even more so when remotely performed… Only Conference Interpreters are trained and up to the task: their special training and excellent linguistic skills, but above all their experience and broad general knowledge are their secret weapons in this mission.

Conference Interpreters understand all the difficulties encountered, because they are trained to do so every moment of their work. They are constantly bound to make choices, on terms, on nuances, on style… They are eager to learn more and broaden their knowledge at ALL times, and capable to process information and get ready for a conference, a meeting, etc., even at a very short notice. And they love a challenge!

Our Interpreters Profile

The interpreters working with catalava.com are highly skilled professionals with a long-standing experience in conference interpretation. Several among them have acquired this experience through their work with international organisations (the European Institutions, the UN organisation, the Council of Europe) applying the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality.

By joining the ranks of Catalava.com, they prove themselves technologically literate and open to the ever-changing terms of world trade. Technology creates opportunities for the interpreters and Catalava.com creates new opportunities for every customer eager to reach across borders!

Trust them with your meeting, whether it is a one-to-one conversation, a webinar, a BoD meeting, or anything else and they will make your life much easier.

Post Scriptum

Human Languages are the gems of Civilisations. They are the Stradivarius playing the tune of human intelligence. It took us many centuries to develop them and fine-tune them. It will probably take less in order to develop a software programme translating them efficiently. We are not there yet.